Meet Uncle Hussain – Halusinasi Ringtone

Download Meet Uncle Hussain – Halusinasi Ringtone is free.

Meet Uncle Hussain – Halusinasi Ringtone Download

Meet Uncle Hussain – Halusinasi Ringtone (100% Free Download). Halusinasi is a track by the Malaysian progressive rock band Meet Uncle Hussain. The song was released on October 20, 2020, as part of their single “8 Tahun.” The band, formed in 2001, has been active in the Malaysian music scene and is known for their contributions to the alternative and indie rock genres.

The lyrics of Halusinasi delve into themes of unrequited love and longing. The protagonist expresses a deep infatuation with a “putri Punjabi” (Punjabi princess), to the point where others label him as mad. Despite societal judgments, he remains steadfast in his feelings, questioning the nature of love and desire. The song’s chorus reflects his yearning for recognition and reciprocation from the object of his affection.

Musically, Halusinasi embodies the band’s signature progressive rock style, featuring dynamic guitar riffs and a compelling rhythm section. The track’s arrangement complements the emotive lyrics, creating an immersive listening experience.

For those interested in exploring Halusinasi, the song is available on various streaming platforms, including Spotify and SoundCloud. Additionally, the official music video can be viewed on YouTube.

Meet Uncle Hussain has been a significant presence in Malaysia’s music industry, with notable achievements such as winning the Pop/Rock Category and Best Song Award at the 23rd Anugerah Juara Lagu, as well as Best New Artist at the 16th Anugerah Industri Muzik. Their discography showcases a blend of alternative, progressive, and indie rock elements, reflecting their versatility and influence in the region.

Halusinasi Ringtone N Lirik

Jangan kau
elakkan ku lagi
jangan kau sembunyi
pasti ku cari walau apa terjadi

mereka mengata
katakan ku gila
gila kamu wahai putri punjari

kerana dibuat ku
bilanya memeluk dirimu
baikku tahu kau bukan milikku
tidakkah engkau tahu
kewujudan diriku ini
wwooo… wooooooo….

jahanam lah dengan dirinya
dapatkah kau beza
cinta kah atau
nafsu pun semata

mereka mengata
katakan ku gila
gila kamu wahai putri punjari

jika hati kau buta
jadikannya lah dengan cinta
yang akan membawanya ke syurga

tidakkah engkau tahu
kewujudan diri ku ini.

Meet Uncle Hussain – Halusinasi Ringtone Free Download

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