1. Anonymous

    I have heard this song way before it became what it is now.. memang best..tau tak siapa yg cipta lagu ni? bam from samson – kalau tak silap aku laa..love the sound of the music box thingy

  2. Anonymous

    yep..me too..looking for the title of tis song for a week after heard it from the hotfm..luv tis song..light n entertaining..btw..who’s shah??new artist??

  3. Anonymous

    Back Up Singer Tersebut Adelah Shah kumpulan slam?? The Male Voice.. I tot Shah is A Guitar Player?

  4. mystery

    that is not shah from slam…but the new artist.he has released his album called “Putih”

  5. Anonymous

    hmm…if a gal(i like her and she noe my feelings towards her.) dedicate this song to me…what is it means?pe erk?

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