Bailey Zimmerman – Religiously Ringtone

Download Bailey Zimmerman – Religiously Ringtone is free.

Bailey Zimmerman – Religiously Ringtone Download

Bailey Zimmerman – Religiously Ringtone (100% Free Download). American country music performer Bailey Zimmerman has a song called Religiously. The third song from his debut studio album Religiously The Album was released on April 17, 2023. Along with Marty James, Frank Romano, Alex Palmer, and producer Austin Shawn, Zimmerman wrote the song.

The narrator of the song expresses his sadness at leaving a connection with a woman through religious imagery. “I ain’t got the only woman who was there for me religiously” is a chorus line sung by Zimmerman. Zimmerman also made a music video after the song’s release, which portrayed the song’s main theme of breakup.

Bailey Zimmerman - Religiously Ringtone N Lyrics Cover Art

Religiously Ringtone | Song Info

Album: Religiously
Released: April 17, 2023
Genre: Country
Songwriters: Austin Shawn, Alex Palmer, Bailey Zimmerman, Frank Romano & Marty James
Producer: Austin Shawn

Bailey Zimmerman – Religiously Ringtone N Lyrics
I went looking at pictures I didn’t wanna see, they brought back memories
You look happy, I guess, got the life that you wanted but it ain’t with me
You would think by now that I wouldn’t care, it’s been a couple years and yeah, I’ve had my share
Of other broken-up hearts but I only shed real tears over ours

And now I’m in this cold bright light
And this don’t even feel like life
‘Cause I don’t have the only woman who believed in me
Religiously (Religiously)
And now I’m in the back of the church
Praying just to stop the hurt
‘Cause I don’t have the only woman who was there for me
Religiously (Religiously)

Remember watchin’ you play me our song on guitar, I thought I’d marry you
Act like I’m happier now but all of my friends know that ain’t the truth
And lately life’s been good to me
Mama’s healthy and I’m helpin’ out the whole family
Lot of people know my name, I made a little change
But that don’t mean nothin’

‘Cause now I’m in this cold bright light
And this don’t even feel like life
‘Cause I don’t have the only woman who believed in me
Religiously (Religiously)
And now I’m in the back of the church
Praying hard just to stop the hurt
‘Cause I don’t have the only woman who was there for me
Religiously (Religiously)

You brought me to God and I put you through Hell
You were all about us, I was all about myself
What kind of man would lose a woman like that?
If my soul could be forgiven, I would give it all back

Now I’m in this cold bright light
And this don’t even feel like life
‘Cause I don’t have the only woman who believed in me
And now I’m in the back of the church
Begging God just to stop the hurt
‘Cause I don’t have the only woman who believed in me
Religiously (Religiously)

I ain’t got the only woman who was there for me

Bailey Zimmerman – Religiously Ringtone Free Download

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