Avril Lavigne – B-tchin’ Summer Ringtone

B-tchin’ Summer Ringtone by Avril Lavigne

Avril Lavigne – B-tchin’ Summer Ringtone Download

Hush little baby don’t you cry,
Let me sing you this lullaby.
I know they make not all make sense right now,
But they’ll get you through the night.

And I know it’s strange looking at your scar
Yeah you don’t know who you are.
But hush little baby don’t be sad,
Because you’re a black star.

B-tchin’ Summer baby,
Everything’s gonna be alright
B-tchin’ Summer baby,
This will get you through the night.

Don’t think that the pain the will stay
They’ll be soon enough gone one day
Just keep singing along to my lullaby
And don’t forget to pray

And mamma’s gonna buy you a mocking bird
Which will guide you through this blur
You reach the light and smile again
If you repeat word by word

Sing, B-tchin’ Summer baby
Everything’s gonna be alright
Keep on singing B-tchin’ Summer baby
It’ll get you through the night

With the voice behind us
And my hand to guide us
When this all feels like a rush
Just keep chanting B-tchin’ Summer

Sing, B-tchin’ Summer baby
Everything’s gonna be alright
Keep on singing B-tchin’ Summer baby
It’ll get you through the night
Sing B-tchin’ Summer baby
Hold on to me tight
Sing B-tchin’ Summer baby
Let me help you through the night.

Avril Lavigne – B-tchin’ Summer Ringtone

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